Request Tax Statement 2024

ONLINE GIVING is a secure and simple way to make your offering to the parish electronically by either bank transfer or credit card.

Please make checks for all collections at St. George (weekly offertory, Matthew 25, special second collections) payable to “St. George Church” and place in the offertory collection or mail to:
St. George Church
33 Whitfield Street
Guilford, CT 06437

Tax Free Giving
If you are age 70 1/2 and must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from an IRA, consider making your financial support directly to St. George from those funds and save on your income taxes.

Memorial Giving
You may make a contribution to St. George to honor or memorialize a family member or a friend either to our parish operations or for a specific purpose, such as our Matthew 25 Fund for the poor, Food Pantry, facility improvements,scholarships for Mission Trips, etc. Please contact our parish Financial Manager, Patricia Nealon at or 203-453-2788 ext. 202, with any questions.

Estate Planning
Please consider leaving a lasting legacy to benefit the ministries of St. George in your will, or as a partial or full beneficiary of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, charitable remainder trusts, annuities or life insurance policies. Our full legal name is: St. George’s Church of Guilford. For more information you may discuss with your own attorney or financial advisor, contact Patricia Nealon at or 203-453-2788 ext 202, or the Development Office of the Archdiocese of Hartford at 860-242-5573.

Matching Gift & Volunteer Incentive Programs
Many companies have matching gift or volunteer incentive programs for their employees. For example, the volunteer incentive program at Verizon recognizes employees’ contributions of time and talent to non-profit organizations. Employees are eligible to apply for a grant on behalf of the qualified organization where they volunteered 50 hours or more during the year.

We encourage you to check with your employer to see if your contributions to St. George are eligible for a matching gift or if there is a volunteer incentive program.

Material Donations
At certain times of the year, St. George conducts campaigns for specific ministries, requesting items such as food, clothing, etc. We welcome these material donations and thank you for your generosity. Please look on our website and in the weekly bulletin to see when there is a collection for these goods.

*Please note that IRS regulations prevent qualified organizations who receive non-monetary donations from making a monetary valuation of the items.