Tuition & Fees/Online Payment

We have a need for a volunteer to run our Pre-K/K classes which meets on alternating Sundays at 10:30 am. If you are being called to help us in this ministry, please contact Diane Birdsall in the Church Office at 203-453-2788.

$50 – Pre-K & K (per family)
$75 – Grades 1-10 (Per Child)
$200 – 3+ children (max per family)

$185 – Confirmation Retreats (Billing will be done prior to retreat)
$50 – 9th Grade Retreat – (Information and billing will be done prior to retreat)

Tuition fees are waived for students of Catechists (teachers).

**Financial Hardship:
Please contact  Elizabeth Herbst at 203-453-2788 ext. 203 or if you are experiencing a financial hardship before registering. No family will be denied due to financial constraints. 

For on-line payment questions, please contact Patricia Nealon at 203-453-2788 x. 202

Additional  Information:
Our program depends on volunteers, and we need your help. We are always looking for teachers in grades 2 through 8. No experience required. We supply all materials, guidance and support. If you are interested in becoming a Catechist please contact the Office of Religious Education at 203-453-3496.

For general religious education inquiries, please contact Elizabeth Herbst at 203-453-2788 ext. 203