What is the OCIA?

The OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process for adults who want to explore the idea of joining the Catholic Church. Interested individuals meet weekly with our St. George team to learn about the Scriptures and the teachings of the Catholic Church, and at the same time, to discover the presence of God in their lives. The OCIA program ultimately prepares participants to receive the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. The process includes a number of important ceremonies or rites that are held in the church during the course of the year.

Who is the OCIA for?

OCIA is designed for adults who are unbaptized, Baptized in another Christian Church, or Baptized Catholic, but with no further religious training or sacraments.

What do I do if I’m interested?

Call and discuss your interest with the OCIA Director. You will be asked to provide some basic information about yourself, and a little bit about your faith journey to this point. If you are ready and eligible, you will be invited to participate in the first phase of the OCIA, called the inquiry period.

You will not be asked to make any commitments during this phase. It is really a time to “check out” the church and to discern if God is calling you to become a member of the Catholic Church.

What if I’m not ready to make the commitment to the Catholic Church just yet?

There is no pressure to continue in the OCIA if at some point you decide that you are neither ready nor interested in joining the Catholic Church. You are always welcome to continue your exploration of the faith within the OCIA process, but postpone your reception of the sacraments. And, you are always welcome to return at another time.

When does the OCIA meet?

Our current OCIA schedule involves meeting most Thursday evenings, beginning in September and concluding after Easter, with the Feast of Pentecost.

For information on upcoming classes, please contact Deacon Stephen at 203-453-2788 x206 or dcn.yatcko@aohct.org