Liturgical Services and Ministries

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve the Body of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound.

Contact: Sr. Kathleen 203-453-2788 x201 or

Infants who are baptized at St. George receive a keepsake, hand-made quilt, as a sign of our parish’s joy that the child is now a member of our Catholic community. No previous experience as a quilter is necessary.
Contact: Barbara Richard at

Volunteers sew a white a cotton bib or a felt pinafore style for older children that will be used during Baptisms to show that he or she has “become a new creation” and is “clothed in Christ.”

Contact: Sr. Kathleen – 203-453-2788 x201
If interested in volunteering for this, please call the office at 203-453-2788.

Readers who proclaim God’s Word at Mass and other services.
Weekday Lectors contact:
Barb Richard @

Weekend Lectors contact:
Francine Wainer @

Our committee is responsible for the altar flowers for the weekend Masses. We also decorate the Church for our Easter and Christmas celebrations.

Contact: Karen Moalli at 

Children’s Choir – consists of young singers from grades K-6 and rehearses on Thursdays at 4 p.m..  Twice a month the Children’s Choir, under the direction of Emily Phillips, leads the St. George community in song at the Sunday 10:30 Mass.  In addition, the Children’s Choir sings at the Christmas Eve and First Communion liturgies.  No singing experience is needed to join.

Adult Choir – The St. George Adult Chancel Choir welcomes all parishioners who show a strong interest in singing. The group meets on alternating Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30pm and Thursday afternoons from 1:00 to 2:30p.m. in the Church.  The Adult Choir sings every Sunday at the 10:30am liturgy.  No singing experience is needed to join.  Adult Choir Director is Emily Phillips.

Contact: Emily Phillips at

Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music at St. George Church has been obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-725982. All rights reserved.

Boys and girls who assist the priest at the liturgy. Altar Servers must have received their First Communion and be in at least 3rd grade.

Contact: Francine Wainer @

Volunteers who welcome parishioners and guests, assist people to their seat, and take up the collection.
Please call the Parish Office, 203-453-2788.